Artist . Creative Director . Mystic

Why I’m here
I’m here to have fun exploring the diverse expressions, perspectives & boundaries of our multi-dimensional reality.
My dream is to assist in synergising nature, humanity & technological intelligence in a way that contributes to a thorough integration of science & mysticism.
“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”
- Oscar Wilde
Visual design & creative direction for innovative or eccentric projects
Collaboration with visionaries, trailblazers & outsiders
What I believe
Having the courage to align ourselves to our most authentic expression is how we live a healthy free life and reach our most fulfilling potential.
So that we can fully understand ourselves, we need to be grounded and open to both scientific and mystical realities.
We are one with nature. The more our lives and technologies synchronise to our multi-dimensional biological design, the healthier all life on Earth will be.
“There is no better designer than nature”
- Lee Alexander McQueen
My Interests
Biotech . EDM . Fashion . Film . Galactic Astrology . Music . Mysticism . Mythology . Nature . Philosophy . Photography . Sound Design . Theoretical Physics
My Personal Life
I have been blessed to live between my two home lands: Aotearoa New Zealand and Switzerland. Currently, I am rooted in Zurich with my wonderful husband. I am native Swiss German and Indigenous Māori (Ngāti Tūwharetoa & Tainui).
I’m a neurodiverse mystic with a multi-disciplinary background and a fascination for all things complex, mysterious, unconventional, innovative & expressive.